PRE-ORDERS: Alyn Wallace’s Memorial Edition of Photographing The Night Sky

Alyn Describing His Book in 2022

In the month’s before Alyn sadly passed we had been working on an update to his best selling Photographing The Night Sky, making corrections and updates. This is now a memorial edition.

As well as being updated, there is a new cover image, a self-portrait by Alyn at La Palma, Canary Islands, under the Milky Way, a photograph of Alyn and his partner Zeliş on Mount Batur, Bali, Indonesia, taken last Devember (2023), a poem about Alyn by the Irish night sky photographer Anthony Lynch and an illustration of Alyn by his friend, Charles Hill.

There is also a beautiful tribute to Alyn by his friend and fellow night sky photographer Adrien Mauduit. I read this out as part of the eulogy I gave at Alyn’s funeral.

You can read the euolgy here.

Look Inside (first edition)

We are printing a limited edition run of 1000 hardbacks, and open edition of the softback edition. They are both expected back at the end of August. You can order below. Also below are a selection of Alyn’s images, diagrams from his book and his TEDx talk at Aberystwyt, The devastating impact of light pollution.

Hardback Limited Edition of 1000 copies

Softback Open Edition

Above: Some of the graphics created by Simon Norris at Little Fire Digital in conjunction with Alyn. © fotoVUE/Little Fire Digital

Stephen H
5 out of 5 stars

This book is excellent. In fact I’d run out of superlatives to describe this book. What’s not to like – everything is covered, easy to read in straightforward language. I’ve learnt more reading this book in the last 2 weeks than I have in the last 2 years. Where once I could see the wood through the trees – I now have clarity, focus, can already see where I was going wrong and am already seeing my night shots improve massively. Thank you Alyn.

D. Q. W
5 out of 5 stars

This book is a masterpiece of solid , well-organized data for those wishing to photograph the night skies. I suspect that it will become the gold standard for wide-field astrophotographers. It stands as a monument to Alyn’s expertise and brilliance.

John H
5 out of 5 stars
Alyn has produced the definitive work on Astrophotography. Beyond being encyclopedic in its coverage, its written in an approachable style which will be welcomed by both hobbyists and professionals. And it’s lavishly illustrated. Its a great value for the illustrations alone, or for the gear reviews, or for tips and tricks for optimizing your photos. This book will be a classic.

Silvana D
5 out of 5 stars

This book is the best compendium for any astro landscape photographer, beginner and experienced. My gosh, I am blown away by the meticulous detail and glorious photographs in this book. I am a long-time astro landscape photographer and Alyn takes material that isn’t easy to understand and makes it approachable for anyone. It is exquisite through and through.

John H
5 out of 5 stars

Alyn has produced the definitive work on Astrophotography. Beyond being encyclopedic in its coverage, its written in an approachable style which will be welcomed by both hobbyists and professionals. And it’s lavishly illustrated. Its a great value for the illustrations alone, or for the gear reviews, or for tips and tricks for optimizing your photos. This book will be a classic.



Mick Ryan

Director of fotoVUE and Co-author of Photographing The Peak District
Mick Ryan is the founder and the director of fotoVUE. He is based in Calderdale having spent the last seven years in the Peak District. He also spends part of the year in Saratoga Springs, upstate New York. He is the founder of Rockfax guidebooks and introduced well-designed large-format photo-topo...

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